Artwork for Modern Griot
At Modern Griot we have conversations in community with people whose Work centers liberation using esoteric modalities like astrology, human design, tarot, yoga (breathwork), energy work, African Traditional Religions and Abrahamic religions too. Modern Griot is in the oral tradition of griots, is a space for stories of connection & disconnection - to self, to Source, to society.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Modern Griot

At Modern Griot we have conversations in community with people whose Work centers liberation using esoteric modalities like astrology, human design, tarot, yoga (breathwork), energy work, African Traditional Religions and Abrahamic religions too. Modern Griot is in the oral tradition of griots, is a space for stories of connection & disconnection - to self, to Source, to society.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo